Ive been around too long and done too much to get bent out of shape by words

Consider it dropped VLC. If you actually are interested, look at the "Prodigal Son (of a b***h)" thread. It explains my situation.
There isnt on way that will work for everyone (of course). But judging from what oicu has said AND the way she has phrased things, the solo way is the way she'll se success. Some women require the validation of a man in their life, and dont feel complete without that (and men of women...). Many women are like that, and I guess there isnt anything too wrong with it, but self reliance is preferable.
I dont look down on anyone who is that way, because our phalocentric society still (albeit covertly) pushes gender roles. The glass ceiling is still firmly in place, female promiscuity is still "wrong" while male promiscuity is still a "status" symbol, the working mother is still seen as having her career at the expense of her family, and men are still viewed as needing to be the bread winner. It takes a lot of deprogramming to break that cycle, and it is NOT for everyone!
I stand 100% behind the statement that if you dont know how to please yourself, you will not be able to reliably have someone else please you.
Having the man there creates the erotic addition of preforming for him (which is good

dont get me wrong!), but it isnt a true journey into discovering yourself. It may lead to an orgasm from the thrill of being watched, but that additional thrill is getting away from the purpose of what is trying to be accomplished.
To further illustrate, I make this point. Why is it that people in a happy, fulfilled relationship still masturbate?
The sorry story of days gone was that it was done because the persons partner couldnt satisfy them. Much like the crazy story that floats around "man world" regarding dildos... "Dont ever let a woman youre with have a dildo. She'll like it better than you and fall in love with it."
One has nothing to do with the other. Masturbation is not a commentary on the sexual ability of ones partner. It gets down to sexual release, and the fact that no one knows how to do you like YOU! A guy who's good for 45-60 minutes of intercourse can get himself off by masturbating in probobly 5 or 10 minutes...
I hate to beat that point to death, really I do. I also hate to sound like some sort of male-feminist, but it just grates on me to see women "need" men to solve their problems (ok, and vice-versa I guess

). But then again, I am well know for being mentally imbalanced!