Here it is in a nutshell (heh heh, no pun intended... but still

). And you dont need to answer this or you can answer in a PM if you feel the need. Take it from me, I am on a position to know the answers to thses types of questions...
Ok, here we go.
First, forget about having a man that is "good". It doesnt matter one bit if he is good, great or wonderful, that is completly beside the point and pretty much irrelevant.
Which brings us to the heart of the story. One question. Do you masturbate? If not you should.
If you dont know how to make yourself have an orgasm, no man no matter how good he might be will be able to. He might get luck now and then but it will not be something you can rely on.
You need to know how to please yourself before anyone else can please you.
It doesnt happen overnight, but it can and will happen, it takes practice just like anything else. Dont let any doctor bullshit you into anything, there is no medical reason not to have an orgasm, it is something that is learned. Some girls start to "explore" themselves very young, and they inadvertantly learn this skill early on. Others never do.
Wife 2 taught wife 1 how to do it. I tried to tell her this same advice for years, but I guess she didnt trust it coming from a man? Now she is learning to please herself, and it makes the entire sexual experiance more gratifiying for her.
The same goes for increasing a persons sexuality/libido.
Heres what you do (if I might be so bold as to say).
#1. your boyfriend must have NO part in this. Not watching, not listening, not even in the same house if it can be avoided. (I dont know your circumstances) I dont mean it should be a "secret", because one of the things we want to do is erase the stigma around masturbation and sexuality.
#2. youll need to figure out what works best for you. Everyone is different. Mabye a showerhead, mabye not. Think about buying a vibrator or two (the wives have probobly 20 or more between them), I can suggest the best ones so you dont waste your money if thats a route you want to take (you should).
Some women prefer only clitoral stimulation, some like penetration, some like both at the same time (wife one likes only clitoral, wife 2 NEEDS both). Just figure out what works best for you.
#3. Make a commitment to set aside some time every day or every other day to "practice". If you need something like erotic stories, pictures, pornography, whatever, then have it available when you need it. (dont even think of being ashamed. If you knew what some of the members on this board were into youd fall over from shock... but its all good

#4. during this "practice" time have all the things you need available and find a quiet private place to be. Somewhere where you dont need to worry about someone barging in. Shut the ringer on the phone off... prepare yourself to be totally relaxed.
Then do it. Get a feel for your body, how you feel, what feels good to you, let your imagination run wild and just enjoy yourself. If you dont have an orgasm the first session, dont be discouraged, it isnt neccesarily an overnight thing. It takes time.
My first breakthrough with wife 1 was years ago, and it went kind of backwards. I knew she had a hard time having an orgasm, so I introduced her to sex toys. I discovered she needed the vibrator AND... hmm... Im trying to think of a proper term, but I guess the only one is "dildo"? After a long while she had an easier time acheiving an orgasm, but still a hard time.
Thats when wife 2 convinced her to masturbate and learn to orgasm. (wife 2 can orgasm within probobly 5 minutes of starting intercourse and can have multiples... so shes the one to trust

Since then wife 1 can actually have an orgasm through intercourse and has had several from oral. So trust me, this technique works. Wife 1 had dome the whole doctor thing to try and find out what was wrong, and they ran the whole gamut from hormonal imbalance to a dozen other maladies.
Most people are so pent up from living daily life that they never really relax and learn to enjoy themselves. When you couple that with the stigmas attached to sex in our culture, its a wonder anyone even bothers to have sex at all?
So try it. Get comfortable and let loose, think every nasty thought youve ever wanted to think, fantasize, get kinky... unlease your inner slut!
Im tired right now, so if Ive been unclear or anything, or if you want to ask something ans arent comfortable asking on here, just PM me or email me. Ive been with someone in the exact same situation youre in. I know how she felt, and I know what youre going through, so trust in my experiance and the experiance of two women who have let go of their preconcieved notions about sex.
(I hope this doesnt go to the other board. I think it would be trivialized over there...)