New member
Hi guys,
This is my first post & I am not asking to be spoonfed, but would like your help with diet/training as I slacked off for a while, got a job working 60 hours a week over 6 days in a factory (very draining), which caused me to lose motivation for my gym work & diet. also turning 18 I realised the joys of clubbing & alcohol which didnt help.
I have recently been made redundant after 7 months but have lost most of my hard work, so would like to be 100% committed to working out & as this is the best board I have seen (been a long time lurker) would like to request your advice.
Been working out since I was about 14, but started taking it seriously when I was 16. Before starting my job these were my stats:
BF%: 15
Weight: 196 lbs
Height: 6ft
Now I am around:
BF%: 18
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 6ft
I would like to reach about 200 lbs natty by next summer (never took steroids) but have a BF% of around 10-12%, would this be achievable with adequate training & diet?
I will post my routine previously so you can post your input on my diet/training.
Sunday - Rest
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Shoulders/Legs
Friday - Biceps/Triceps
Saturday - Rest
My daily routine would be:
8am - Wake up, have 4 scrambled eggs on bread with a casein protein shake, & multi vit tablet.
9.30am - 4 Weetabix
12pm - Chicken pasta
1pm - Pre workout whey protein shake/gym.
2.15-2.30pm - Finish session, post workout whey protein shake.
4pm - Chicken/steak with peas.
7pm - 4 Scrambled eggs on bread.
10pm - Casein protein shake before bed.
Thats an honest diet which I would like you to critique, worked well for me being only 17 my diet doesnt need to be perfect as metabolism & active lifestyle means i dont seem to put much fat on whatever I eat.
1 rep max:
95kg bench press (around 240lbs I think)
250kg squat (around 625lbs? this was on a machine with shoulder pads, not with a barbell which made it much easier, always had strong legs due to playing football (soccer) from 8 yrs old)
I cannot do deadlifts/abs workouts due to recurring lower back pain which I am seeing a chiropractor for.
Those are all previous stats/diet etc & I would like to get back to that level & beyond, would much appreciate any help, havent been to the gym for 7 months & my diet has been so bad so I have lost alot of size & strength which is why I would like to create a routine with the help of you guys to help reach my goals, many thanks in advance.
This is my first post & I am not asking to be spoonfed, but would like your help with diet/training as I slacked off for a while, got a job working 60 hours a week over 6 days in a factory (very draining), which caused me to lose motivation for my gym work & diet. also turning 18 I realised the joys of clubbing & alcohol which didnt help.
I have recently been made redundant after 7 months but have lost most of my hard work, so would like to be 100% committed to working out & as this is the best board I have seen (been a long time lurker) would like to request your advice.
Been working out since I was about 14, but started taking it seriously when I was 16. Before starting my job these were my stats:
BF%: 15
Weight: 196 lbs
Height: 6ft
Now I am around:
BF%: 18
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 6ft
I would like to reach about 200 lbs natty by next summer (never took steroids) but have a BF% of around 10-12%, would this be achievable with adequate training & diet?
I will post my routine previously so you can post your input on my diet/training.
Sunday - Rest
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Shoulders/Legs
Friday - Biceps/Triceps
Saturday - Rest
My daily routine would be:
8am - Wake up, have 4 scrambled eggs on bread with a casein protein shake, & multi vit tablet.
9.30am - 4 Weetabix
12pm - Chicken pasta
1pm - Pre workout whey protein shake/gym.
2.15-2.30pm - Finish session, post workout whey protein shake.
4pm - Chicken/steak with peas.
7pm - 4 Scrambled eggs on bread.
10pm - Casein protein shake before bed.
Thats an honest diet which I would like you to critique, worked well for me being only 17 my diet doesnt need to be perfect as metabolism & active lifestyle means i dont seem to put much fat on whatever I eat.
1 rep max:
95kg bench press (around 240lbs I think)
250kg squat (around 625lbs? this was on a machine with shoulder pads, not with a barbell which made it much easier, always had strong legs due to playing football (soccer) from 8 yrs old)
I cannot do deadlifts/abs workouts due to recurring lower back pain which I am seeing a chiropractor for.
Those are all previous stats/diet etc & I would like to get back to that level & beyond, would much appreciate any help, havent been to the gym for 7 months & my diet has been so bad so I have lost alot of size & strength which is why I would like to create a routine with the help of you guys to help reach my goals, many thanks in advance.