can any one give or advise me on planning a total body workout for strength and size, i can workout twice to three days a week and can exercise for around 2 hours a time.
go to the other elite site,, and read every single article there. You need to be able to work out 4 times per week, but you only need one hour at a time.
Read all those articles, I mean every one of them. Then if you have more questions, I would be happy to help you out. [email protected]
First off what are you currently doing. how long have you been lifting, ect. Secondly you will only need one hour to work out save the other for eating. Those above mentioned articles are great though maybe advanced for you. Read them anyway and post back
I have been doing usually two weights sessions a week, that always include squats, bench press, power cleans, shoulder press, bb rows and then i will sometimes include curls, pushdowns and some type of forearm and abs work.
Been lifting for about a year.
Thank you for the replys, keep them coming, i need advice!