I had experience with blue tops. Yes they were sides i experienced myself. I got through 1 kit. If i didn't pay so much for it i would have stopped on day 8 - i was miserable. Feet swelled up significantly. I could tell my knots on my shoes were smaller and visable saw shoes spreading out. My carpal tunnel sucked bigtime. Typing became a chore. My knees were so swelled that during my stretching I couldn't even bend them back the same way. I had to get on blood pressure meds as my BP went through the roof. lifting became very tough due to pain in my hands from swelling. Ultimately, all i experienced was some of my wrinkles on my forehead and crows feet near my eyes disspeared. I will say that part of it was truely amazing!
That's pretty rough!
How long did you persist and what dose were you using. How long did it take for the carpal tunnel symptoms to disappear once you stopped?