Hey of the biggest problems when you try to eat well is the environment. For example on a barbecue with friends, you are almost forced to drink. Well, I don't drink too much but about a year ago i discovered that whisky is the best drink at least for me. I don't get drunk easily and in the next day I feel like new. What I never do, I hate and I don't like, is eat drinking alcohol...i can't. If I drink alcohol it has to be after the meal. So recentely i've discovered that when I drink a glass of whisky about 30 mins after the meal (steak w/rice and salads), then about 2 hours later i feel my stomach completely empty!...very hungry again! seems like whisky after the meal produce a very fast digestion. My question is if with that fast digestion from whisky i loose the nutrients from the meal? I loose for example the protein from the steak?...or the carbs from the rice?. If these nutrients can be ketp, it will be great!...just a shot of whiskey after each meal...a very easy way to eat more during the day on a bulking diet!!....Hope to have some expert opinion about this...
thank guys.
thank guys.