ok im 5'10 180lbs at about 13% bf and i want to be at like 6% ,What would be the best diet to reach that goal. i want to keep as much muscle as possible .
my current diet is not that good i have been eating everything so i can bulk up a little and then im gonna try and cut down , i have been eating lots of steak and chicken ,plus like 2 protein shakes a day.. I work out 3 days on 1 day off ..
That isn't very specific. People often say "lots" and mean like 2 ibs. I eat 5 ibs of meat a day when bulking... so its a bit amusing when someone says lots and it is some tiny amount. In any event, we get the idea. A CKD would be a good choice for you.
when i said "lots" i meant alot for me , i weight 182 lbs . yesterday i had 12 egg whites, 1/2 lb turkey, 1 lb steak , 4 pieces of grilled chicken, about 1lb sweet potato, 1 bowl cereal and 1 protein shake . Should i eat more? i am gonna bulk up for another month or so and then start the diet. plus im gonna take clenbuterol to help out a little .