Dude you are 27% BF! I am not going to insult you as this is not cool. But I hope you loose the weight get down to 8%BF and then do your building up. I was 6'1" 245lbs and in my 30%BF @ 38 years old. Then I commited myself. Yes I got down to 192lbs and 8%BF test on a density scanning machine. So basically what I am saying is you need to cut your calories, eat high protien, low carb and good fats. You will make it as long as you are commited!
Now this guy is 6' 170lbs he is very small in stature he needs the calories. This is not the diet forum so I am not going into detail but this guy needs size. Oh btw before the day after Christmas I was 214 and 9.6%BF (i blew my acl and just had surgery 2 weeks ago).
Good luck to both of you!
Now this guy is 6' 170lbs he is very small in stature he needs the calories. This is not the diet forum so I am not going into detail but this guy needs size. Oh btw before the day after Christmas I was 214 and 9.6%BF (i blew my acl and just had surgery 2 weeks ago).
Good luck to both of you!