is this something you can consume daily while loosing weight and fat? many people have recommend it to me before work out as a huge energy source, I just want to make sure it won't make gain the weight I have lost so far.
peanut butter and other fats like this (seeds and nuts) are actually high in calories more than people think.
it would not be a good idea to consume them during a cut man. peanut butter for example has a whopping 100 calories per tablespoon! that is a lot! an entire jar of peanut butter has 3000 calories!
Definitely not a good idea to use peanut butter while cutting. It is a great addition to one's diet when bulking, but not on a cutting phase. If you want to get more energy, add in some simple carbs, such as sweet potatoes, brown/black rice, or oatmeals. They will also give you an energy boost, but with much less calories.
There are much better options then peanuts. Peanuts are not a healthy food at all. They were so heavily marketed in the 1960s to keep the American peanut farmers in business. Peanuts are very fungus forming and have a very poor fatty acid profile. They have way too many omega 6 fatty acids and not near enough omega 3. Peanuts are also high in pyruvic acid which is an anti-nutrient in the body. It binds to minerals in your intestines and prevents them from being absorbed.
Almonds, walnuts, pistachios and brazil nuts are such better options. If you like natural peanut butter, try natural almond butter instead.