This is my lunch, Moroccan chicken ; chicken broth, one small onion as I try to limit this and garlic in my diet , green olives, 12 boneless skinless chicken thighs, ginger, turmeric, lemon and lemon rind, salt and pepper. Cooked for 45 minutes I. The insta pot while I worked out. I ate 1.5 cups of the meat and sauce with 3/4 cup of steamed jasmine rice. Topped it off with a sugar free whey shake with almond milk and 1/2 cup of egg whites( moderation this time).
Physique shot, not as hard from the primo but muscles somewhat more full I’m guessing from glycogen. A few days after I stopped keto I went I t he garage and reps out 17 350lb squats, I had fuel for the body, totally amazing feeling, bench is climbing back up as well. Gotta say thank you Mobster, getting those skull crushers and jm’s rolling and bench has more power and more shoulder stability, most difficult exercise for me is the JM press, great form but it’s a tough one for me but worth it.