My information:
27 years old
6'1. 230lbs - 240lbs
Gym everyday if possible. Cardio 10-20 mins on stairs/treadmill every workout.
Training for the past 10 years off and on. 1 year of heavy training to get ready for my first cycle which I started mid June of this year. This is my very first cycle.
14 weeks of Test Cyp. Pinned twice per week. Monday & Friday doses ranged from .5ML in first 4-6 weeks and upped to .75ML by that last 6 weeks. My last pin was this past Monday. I am now at the end of my cycle and wanting to Pct properly as I was massively misinformed by this "trainer" who didn't know his shit.
Have not started any sarms or pct as of now. Wanted to wait until I had all the proper supplements for it before starting it.
I have Nolvadex and Clomid on hand but have not started doses. Any others I may need? I am in Canada so can they be shipped across the USA/Canada border?
Diet is mainly game meat (Deer, moose, elk, chicken, grouse) vegetables and rice/noodles. 2-3 meals a day. 2500-3000 calories.
Sleep history is 6 - 7 hours every night. No consistent issues with sleeping
Supplement consist of whey iso protein powder, creatine. Also magnesium, vitamins, electrolyte supplements.
Please let me know what else I should be taking
If I'm missing anything I will add it for you all.
Thank you very much for the help
27 years old
6'1. 230lbs - 240lbs
Gym everyday if possible. Cardio 10-20 mins on stairs/treadmill every workout.
Training for the past 10 years off and on. 1 year of heavy training to get ready for my first cycle which I started mid June of this year. This is my very first cycle.
14 weeks of Test Cyp. Pinned twice per week. Monday & Friday doses ranged from .5ML in first 4-6 weeks and upped to .75ML by that last 6 weeks. My last pin was this past Monday. I am now at the end of my cycle and wanting to Pct properly as I was massively misinformed by this "trainer" who didn't know his shit.
Have not started any sarms or pct as of now. Wanted to wait until I had all the proper supplements for it before starting it.
I have Nolvadex and Clomid on hand but have not started doses. Any others I may need? I am in Canada so can they be shipped across the USA/Canada border?
Diet is mainly game meat (Deer, moose, elk, chicken, grouse) vegetables and rice/noodles. 2-3 meals a day. 2500-3000 calories.
Sleep history is 6 - 7 hours every night. No consistent issues with sleeping
Supplement consist of whey iso protein powder, creatine. Also magnesium, vitamins, electrolyte supplements.
Please let me know what else I should be taking
If I'm missing anything I will add it for you all.
Thank you very much for the help