Hey, thanks a lot guys!
Well my training history: I've trained for about 10 yrs total, but I had 3 yrs in the middle where I didn't even touch a weight because I was working my FUCKING ASS OFF in the oilpatch in Alberta. When I came home I weighed 130lbs. That was 5 yrs ago. Now I weigh ~180 offseason (I still have abs, but not ripped of course). So ~50lbs in 5yrs.
Cycle history: Well I couldn't even begin to say. You name it, I've done it, but for the first 3 yrs back I only did small doses but I was on most of the time (stupid I know). Plus I was stressed all the time because of, you guessed it, women, LOL! But since about the last year I'll tell you what I've done (what was REAL anyway, fuck!):
12 weeks: 500mg testoviron depot + V (zambons) {excellent}
Another 12 weeker: cyp, EQ, deca (total ~600mg/wk)
Then precontest: sust (7 weeks, 500mg/wk) until 6 weeks out + deca (300mg/wk for whole 12 weeks), then at 6 weeks out tren, V, with the deca.
After show: ~month and a half: Enan/prop (400mg/wk)