bench - warmups, 185x5x, 205x5, 210x5x3 sets(5 pound increase from last week)
BB rows - 135x5, 140x5, 185x5x3 (50 pound increase from last week, but with kinda sloppy form...never did these before last week so i was just getting a feel for it)
here's where my day went down the shitter..
i had to do 1 set of 20 deadlifts..and i did this with 185 last week. i upped it to 215 and tried it. i felt a little popping at first.. i tried ignoring it, thinking my back was just cracking, but after the 5th rep i couldnt take it. i did some reverse hypers, that helped for about 5 mins then the pain was back again. i know it was bad form...i was probably trying to do what probably looked like a frickin good morning..i just wasnt thinking..
i knew i had 1 set for back left so i went to the row machine and did a heavy set of 15...
then i did my toe raises on the leg press, 2 sets of 20
if my back hurts tomorrow i'm taking friday off and maybe next week too