New member
Ok First of all I started back to training and getting my diet in order back in Oct 06 and to this date have dropped around 45lbs. My stats are as follows:
38yrs old
I am keeping strict food intake logs on started Aug 6 average daily meals are as follows
meal-1 1 brown rice cake with 1tsp reduced fat pb and 1tsp of sugar free strawberry preserves,,1 protein shake.
meal-2 4-egg whites ,detour bar, 1small apple
meal-3 8oz lauras lean beef,1 cup brocali, 4oz babyfood sweetpotatos {love this stuff}
meal-4 protein bar,3-4 egg whites
meal-5 protein shake 1hr before training
train weights 1hr ,cardio 35min treadclimber
meal-6 20 oz gatorade 35min later protein shake no carbs after 1hr bed time
this is giving me around 1900-2100 cal,230-260 gr of protein 100-110 gr carbs,around 45-60 fat gr.
On the 11 Aug started dermatherm and tea-3 from primordial performance
week of sat Aug 11-18 I use 12pumps I learned to do my legs first,then arms ,then chest,wife does my back. reason being for me within 3min this stuff starts heating up it felt like my skin was on fire I started turning a red sunburn color but all this went away within 5min i stand in front of a fan untill then. I apply this before work i work 2nd shift during the heat of the day .with dermatherm my body feels warmer and i sweat more than usual,skin is tighter and seeing more vascularity in my arms i dont seem to be holding any extra water like i should,stomach feels very flat and tight. just this morning wife saw me looking in mirror and asked if i was sucking in my stomach because my waistline was so tight.
I am only two weeks in diet 1week of dermatherm and tea-3 but feel great energy up along with strength. And i am not on any pharmas.
Thanks to ironclaw for the diet tips,and Eric at PP for your recomendations will continue to log results .
38yrs old
I am keeping strict food intake logs on started Aug 6 average daily meals are as follows
meal-1 1 brown rice cake with 1tsp reduced fat pb and 1tsp of sugar free strawberry preserves,,1 protein shake.
meal-2 4-egg whites ,detour bar, 1small apple
meal-3 8oz lauras lean beef,1 cup brocali, 4oz babyfood sweetpotatos {love this stuff}
meal-4 protein bar,3-4 egg whites
meal-5 protein shake 1hr before training
train weights 1hr ,cardio 35min treadclimber
meal-6 20 oz gatorade 35min later protein shake no carbs after 1hr bed time
this is giving me around 1900-2100 cal,230-260 gr of protein 100-110 gr carbs,around 45-60 fat gr.
On the 11 Aug started dermatherm and tea-3 from primordial performance
week of sat Aug 11-18 I use 12pumps I learned to do my legs first,then arms ,then chest,wife does my back. reason being for me within 3min this stuff starts heating up it felt like my skin was on fire I started turning a red sunburn color but all this went away within 5min i stand in front of a fan untill then. I apply this before work i work 2nd shift during the heat of the day .with dermatherm my body feels warmer and i sweat more than usual,skin is tighter and seeing more vascularity in my arms i dont seem to be holding any extra water like i should,stomach feels very flat and tight. just this morning wife saw me looking in mirror and asked if i was sucking in my stomach because my waistline was so tight.
I am only two weeks in diet 1week of dermatherm and tea-3 but feel great energy up along with strength. And i am not on any pharmas.
Thanks to ironclaw for the diet tips,and Eric at PP for your recomendations will continue to log results .