I knew this would come up as it always does. There is much more to life than FOOD! I know it doesn't seem that way but seriously there is. There are millions of books with so many different activities available to you that it would boggle your mind. Food is not an activity - it is a necessity of life. Treat it as such and spend your time doing much more fun/productive activities.
JKurz1 said:There is more to life my friend.......you have to have balance....no one reading your book is going to be stepping on the Las vegas stage come October, so it's going to have to appeal to the majority of people who live to eat instead of eating to live......there are way too many great foods out there that 95% of the population are not and WILL not give up......If so, the resteraunt business would crumble, grocery stores would be a thing of the past, and the nation would falter because everyone who fails to plan would have to rush home to cook..........it ain't gonna happen. Not in your lifetime. A book, that shows people the proper way to feed their bodies, with the ingredients that taste GOOD and are ALSO GOOD FOR THEM, will be muich more lucrative in the long haul.........