Just a little update... Today did shoulders,, they got so pumped that they hurt.... I have a heavy tricep day with shoulders, but my damn triceps were so pumped from doing just pushdown and reverse curls that I stoped.... This is the exact same thing that happens to me on anadrol.. test .. or d-bal among the few... Usually I get the serious pumps and about two weeks into the cycle the serious strenght comes on... I may be overdoseing on the 1-test as I am also taking about 300mg via oral with my two daily dose's of transdermal.... I figure my delivery system is not as effective as Pars.. So I will keep this up and see what happens.. I am taking armidex 1mg/d will cut down to .5 mg day tomorrow..and I will be taking clomid at the end to get the nads back so the doseage does not bother me... I am having no side effects except for the decrease libido,,,.... Not loseing hair,, no temper problems.... One very bad thing did happen this mourning,, was putting the transdermal on my thighs and got a little on the nad sack DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT LET THIS STUFF GET ON THE NUT SACK !!!!! I had to call 911 and get a damn fire engine over to blast the 1-test off.... all kidden aside learn from my mistake please.
So far I give this stuff the thumbs up...... hope they dont banned it soon or aleast before I get my next paycheck..
Peace Bro's....