You're perfectly welcome to bomb me into extinction if you want to, or black me or flame me or whatever, do you really think I care? I'll change my name and come back again because EF has the best women's training section I've found on the net. And unless you haven't noticed I'm not out here asking for anyone to protect me; I haven't needed anyone to protect me against a man since I was a child.
I like to think that people are supportive because I've genuinely tried to help when people have asked for it (if I thought I had something useful to offer), and I'm always honest when opinions are solicited.
You don't like me because I'm wordy, I'm sorry for you, but I'm not forcing ANYONE to read what I have to say. You're the one who's triggered this thread running this long because you're so frantic to hijack it.
I've run into a few men in my life who acted like you, said a lot of the same things as you, and I pissed them off a whole lot, too. Without fail, they've all had unresolved issues homosexuality and their antagonism has to do with encountering women who fall outside their narrow definition of "feminine" and how a woman should act, think, or feel.