I love this thread so I must post some of the best regulars at the gym I use during the school year when I can't make it to my regular gym. The gym is very small because it's a seconary gym so usually not too many people go, but we have like three tredmills, a few ellipticals, one bench/squat rack, and a few other inclines. The only people that go there are very short vietnamese guys, one hispanic guy, the extremely overweight guy who thinks he's a power lifter, and my friend and I once in awhile.
There are several people who stand out and I will explain each one because my friend and I have nicknamed every one of them.
The Hispanic Hisser: He is a relatively big person but every set it sounds like someone let out a dozen hissing cobras throughout the gym. I dislike it because he always asks me to spot him and each rep he lets out a steaming hot cloud of spit hissing which is disgusting.
Tiny Tim: This vietnamese guy is literally 4'5" and probably less then 100 lbs. He just goes to the gym benches the bar a few times and does about 5 sets of EZCurl bar (no weight) 5 times a week and leaves.
Fat Bastard: This guy must easily weight 450 lbs and he walks around like his shit doesnt stink and is always there giving advice to the small asian kids. He believes that he is a power lifter, although I only see him do arms/chest and the occasional shoulders. He starts with about 1 plate and does a few struggling reps, then another plate, then up to three plates. He has a relatively strong friend that basically picks the weight off of him everytime he benches. Then he flexes his fat in the mirror, I can only help but laugh.
Ying and Yang the chinese duo: These guys insist on hogging the only bench for about an entire hour and a half which is very annoying. They go there and do as many reps and sets that they can with almost no weight on there. I've seen them try to do a 1RM which couldnt have been more then 135. They have their chinese friends jump in too and about 4 of them alternate sets for the entire time they are at the gym and then they call it quits.
The grunter: This guy is bald fat and wears skimpy shorts and tank tops and he is around 40 years old. Every set no matter what lets out an ear piercing grunt UGHGGHHH! To top it off he walks around in the locker room checking out guys or something butt naked for 30 minutes afterwards. I no longer goto the locker room anymore to store my belongings

Although I have to admit I'm not perfect either. One time I was doing weighted inclined situps with a 50lbs DB and went up and let out a medicore length fart. My farts are usually not smelly but this one litterally stunk up the entire gym within about 10 seconds of detonation. I looked around and no one knew who it was thankfully, although my friend looked at me and I couldnt hold back the laughter knowing it was me, I promptly finished my set of situps and left.
There are so many other people who use the worst form I have ever seen. People who do the team preacher curls, or the curls with the biggest bow in their backs I worry they are going to snap in half. A lot of the people like to hog several sets of dumbells and just leave them when they are done. I'm so fed up with this gym I know I'm going to explode on someone one of these days.