I'm not in denial, I'm tired and in a temporary holding pattern until I get my stepdaughter situated and my health stabilized."Look at me! I insert my own personal misery into any and every thread I can possibly latch on to while remaining in deep denial that much of my situation arises from my own horrible decisions and my reluctance to do anything about it even to this day."
Or is that one too long?
Am I going to get another 6-page BM-style rant now?
And if I feel like using this forum as my personal wailing wall, that's my prerogative. Better to potentially annoy (or even, dare I dream, guilt out) anonymous assholes like you than constantly dump on the people I actually give a shit about.
Oh, and I realized a while ago my decisions weren't bad, they just frequently had bad outcomes. There is a difference. The decisions should have been sound, and were always made with the best of intentions, and not purely selfish intentions, either.