what? there is no set-in-stone answer to this one bro.. do it everyday if you want, once a month if you feel like, once a year if you prefer, or NEVER, if that's what you desire..
New Jack
I think you're about right with 4. It's true there is no set in stone amount of times you should max, if you do it too much you will burn out or risk injury (this I know from experience). Some competitive powerlifters never max in the gym.
dont max out everyday of the week..every 3 months or so is fine....the week before you max on what ever bodypart take it easy on that bodypart like drop the sets and weights and so on......then the next week max out
personally i'm against maxing out, most pro and college teams have gone against it also. they use charts to estimate your max by looking at your reps and weight and making a calculation.
im not a fan of finding your max by a % and reps some guys have endurance that would allow them to bench a high percentage of their max multiple times yet fail on a lift with slightly more weight and on the other hand lousy endurance could give you a lower max by % and reps