Re: Norabol Gains
First, I'm glad to hear you like Norabol. I am sure it has contributed to your success, but don't forget to give yourself plenty of credit too. You are the one that is making it happen
Taking it on an empty stomach improves absorption, but you will still have good results if you take it with food.
Here is a link to several cycles.
Also, I apologize for the delay you have experienced in receiving the rest of your order. We had to discard over a thousand bottles of Andro Infusion, because I was not satisfied with the independent lab test results. This combined with high demand has made us temporarily our of stock. If you would send me an email, I would be eager to give you a 10% discount on your next order with us for the inconvenience. I hope you will give us the opportunity to serve you better in the future.
Weapon X said:I've been using Norabol for about the past month with an extremely abbreviated, Mass-building workout.
My gains have been phenomenal - truly unprecedented.
I don't know whether I can narrow it down to just the Norabol: I got married a month ago and I have been eating better than at any time in my life, I have also completely evamped my bulking workout, and I am coming back from a layoff of approximately 8 months.
My poundages are shooting up as never before, and I have gained about 6 pounds so far.
I also have some Andro Infusion and Flax Seed Oil on order from Mass Quantities. (Been on order since 6/18, tho.)
I have a coupla questions:
1.) As I am using the Norabol for bulking, there is almost never a time when my stomach is "empty." I take my morning dose upon arising, and my stomach is empty, but I start to eat immediately thereafter. How important is the "on an empty stomach" admonition?
2.) Mention is made in a previous post of "cycling" your prohormones. Could someone post a sample cycle? Perhaps the "Hard Gainer" cycle??
First, I'm glad to hear you like Norabol. I am sure it has contributed to your success, but don't forget to give yourself plenty of credit too. You are the one that is making it happen

Taking it on an empty stomach improves absorption, but you will still have good results if you take it with food.
Here is a link to several cycles.
Also, I apologize for the delay you have experienced in receiving the rest of your order. We had to discard over a thousand bottles of Andro Infusion, because I was not satisfied with the independent lab test results. This combined with high demand has made us temporarily our of stock. If you would send me an email, I would be eager to give you a 10% discount on your next order with us for the inconvenience. I hope you will give us the opportunity to serve you better in the future.