I fully understand the discourse, emotion and all as I have feelings for both sides, believe it or not.
Longhorne I have tremendous respect for you because you were smart enough to choose an excellent wife and even better mother to your children. There aren't many men like you out there who willingly admit that there wife is next to God in their eyes, especially given some of your admitted shortcomings. (Which WE ALL have.)
Having said that I have to say that I do not understand why a man as intelligent as you would feel the need to chastise other women who have not yet found a man such as yourself. You know, one that willingly admits and treats his woman with all the respect and reverence that she deserves.
Maybe you were using a sort of reverse psychology telling women such as Heatherrae that she IS a woman amongst women and that she shouldn't continue to sell herself short by wasting her time and affection on a man that is not as GOOD as you....?
She knows her fiancee was less than stellar and it took A LOT of balls for her to up and leave. Not many woman would have had the strength to do so. Goodness knows it took me a beatdown to recognize just how low I was setting the bar for myself AND my children.
But look how well I turned out. You have no idea the hell my family has and IS going through, but in the end it will all have been worth it as my children are learning how to persevere and stay strong in light of THE MOST DIFFICULT circumstances!
They learned that FROM ME... period.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for both of you and this thread has saddened me. Not because of all the points of view that have come to light, but because of the personal attacks that came along with them.
Longhorne I think I understand what YOU were trying to say, but the manner with which you delivered your message caused its effectiveness to be lost and mired in hate. Somehow I dont think that was what you had in mind when you began this thread.... was it?