BMom - I have spent a good bit of time listening to women talk and listening to they guys talk about their women. I think there are several things going on with this. First of all I think the number of women who reach orgasm is very low despite what they say and usually it is not because their man doesn't care it is because they don't tell him what they need. Secondly, I think it would be interesting to see hormone profiles on these women. I am willing to bet that in almost every case they have low test and low progesterone. Then there is the bunch that are on prozac for whatever reason - I don't care what kind of sex drive you have before this drug it will become nonexistent with the drug.
A man goes to the doctor and says "I can't get it up" and they bend over backwards trying to solve the problem. When a woman goes in with no sex drive she basically has to go thru a whole explanation of how the relationship is fine, no she's not depressed blah blah blah and finally she ends up telling the doctor she wants some androgel and hopes he will give it to her.
Guys, do you think as many men would cheat on their wives if the wives were keeping them satisfied or is it not about sex but about sex with someone different???