They never come off...NEVER. Low dose is 1.5 grams of test per week. 5-10+ grams of test is not out of the ordinary and 100mg of dbol a day is not uncommon at all...if not higher, along with winstrol at that dose or more. Anadrol is not common because of effects that it has on blood volume and keeping endurance.
Growth Hormone is obviously something that is making a big stand out in the crowd. Cocaine and other 'uppers' are fairly common and people make rumors of actual 'adrenaline' being used in contests.
Being on for years or more than a decade is not uncommon at all...a decade is a start. Remember that we are the ONLY country with the concept that AAS is wrong to use. I have friends from Europe who have never even touched a weight and they believe that if you are serious about your sport that you SHOULD be using AAS.
That is just a brief summary.
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