And the funny thign about all this is that i can dig up studies that show the opposite. But if you study the study you will see the ones showing negative influences on Test are all done on either mice and some other animals and usually done in countries that have a very ANTI cannabis lobby. The legalization of this substance would make a lot of chemicall (dupont) and pharmaceutical corporations loose close to 20-40% of all their patents, LOL! It will never be legalised. We can have a million studies showing it's benefits to sick people, but the powers that be will focus on some bullshit and deem it unsafe. It's a scam. Look at the FDA's track record with the pharm industry, how many drugs did the deem "safe" and were later pulled off the market with people dieing, remeber phen phen? What happened there? There are hundreds of others. No one ever in history died from MJ, ever. Not a single documented case worldwide, with billions of people partaking in it worldwide. I find the illegalization of a naturally growing plant to be stupid. A plant growns and you are forbidden to touch it and use it as it come from the ground by law, odd.
But as a law abiding citizen i don't want any problems. So i stay away.