My max incline... hmm last time i inclined was 145 for 8 reps, with a 6 second negative. I dont know what that works out to be as far as a max goes. I was doing 275 on bench at that point (max)
I didnt do much for shoulders
just some side raises, plate raises, rear-delt work
not too many presses or anything solid. but im training wsb right now. So i didnt put in alot of serious shoulder work.
Basically my routine for the last few weeks was
DE squat day follows the typical 60, 63, 66, 70% pattern Plus chains
Week 1
ME Bench Day
Max Set: 2 Board Press
Lying Tricep Extensions: 8 sets of 10
Plate Raises: 4 sets of 10
Prehab: One Arm Press 3 sets of 15
ME Squat Day
Max Set: Good Mornings
Glute Ham Raise on floor: 3 sets of 10 First five assited with floor push last five negative
Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 10
Pull Down Abs: 5 sets of 15
Leg Raises: 5 sets of 15
DE Bench Day
Speed Set: 10 sets of 3 for bench
High Intensity: three sets of 6 reps – Close Grip Press dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbell Rows 4 sets of 10
Bentover dumbbell laterals 4 sets of 10
Prehab: One arm press: 3 sets of 15
DE Squat Day
Speed set: 10 sets of 2 reps plus chains
No supplemental movement – to give time to heal from intense training on GHR’s on ME squat day
Leg Raises 5 sets of 15
Reverse Hypers: 3 sets of 8
Week 2 repeated as directed, considering notes from top
Ive just started a new one
Which incorporates some JM presses, more shoulder pressing, and im considering more chest work.