Did legs today, or tried anyway. Started with 135x15 deep squats, 225 x 10, 255 x 7, and 275 x 2.
I could barely walk after doing this because my lower back pump was insane, not good though.
Went over to leg press and the angle I was at was weird, my back was resting on the angle to far back so when i was doing reps and my legs would come towards me my feet would start to come off the platform and i was pressing with my toes. I only had 270lbs on to get warmed up but had to stop because the lower left back muscle started BURNING. IDk why? my lower back pumps are just so bad it hurts, when doing legs especially.
I thought i torn something, i swear to god it hurt so bad. It turned all red after I had stopped. My dads a chiro he already said Im fine, but i had ot stop my workout after 4 sets of squats and 1 set of leg press. I did 3 quick sets of hanging leg raises and left.
Anything I can do to avoid the blower back pump/oain i get during workouts? They are halting me from gains. It needs to stop!!! Next time im in the gym doing legs I know im gonna injure myself. Maybe go lighter with legs just to be careful?
I could barely walk after doing this because my lower back pump was insane, not good though.
Went over to leg press and the angle I was at was weird, my back was resting on the angle to far back so when i was doing reps and my legs would come towards me my feet would start to come off the platform and i was pressing with my toes. I only had 270lbs on to get warmed up but had to stop because the lower left back muscle started BURNING. IDk why? my lower back pumps are just so bad it hurts, when doing legs especially.
I thought i torn something, i swear to god it hurt so bad. It turned all red after I had stopped. My dads a chiro he already said Im fine, but i had ot stop my workout after 4 sets of squats and 1 set of leg press. I did 3 quick sets of hanging leg raises and left.
Anything I can do to avoid the blower back pump/oain i get during workouts? They are halting me from gains. It needs to stop!!! Next time im in the gym doing legs I know im gonna injure myself. Maybe go lighter with legs just to be careful?