I did a similiar workout for 6 weeks when I just wanted a change.
I did a seven day 2 off workout
back day one...dumbell rows, barbell rows, pullups, some cable
chest day two...flat bench...hammer wide chest...dumbell flies, dips
quads day three...squats...squats...leg presses....leg extensions
shoulders day four...one armed shoulder press.....behind the head military...side raises...and reverse pec deck...dumbell shrugs
biceps day five....preacher barbell....standing alternate dumbells...and drop sets until til I couldn't even lift 20lbs on the machine(after I did a set, a would do 3 reps where I would curl the machine to flex position, then have someone pull it down while I fought them pulling it down.)
hams day six...stiff leg deadlifts...leg curls....lunges(walking with very long strides.
triceps day seven....close grip bench....strict form dips....tricep extensions at a decline...some cables...
two days off
I just did it for a change and only for 6 weeks(actually six workouts per bodypart), but it was nice because I just went as heavy as possible for minimum 3 sets of 4-8 reps per exercise(except shoulder, went lighter with higher reps),and made some decent gains since it was something my body wasn't used to, but I wouldn't do it much longer, the seven days on starts to turn into overkill after much more than a few weeks.
It was kind of weird seeing as how the next time I worked a body part would be 9 days later, but I was wanting to truly do something new for my body, so I tried it, and really liked it.
Only thing I didn't I didn't do in this 6 weeks was deads, not sure why I didn't, wasn't really a concious decision, I just skipped em for that time period.