No sides, as I was blasting... but I feel like I would have gotten more or if the anadrol instead of almost maintaining the dbol.. given the rest of the gear I was on, I'm sure my receptors were fried...
I think we are a lot smarter and healthier than years ago in the 70's and 80's. I've read that people at that time used to pop anadrol and dbol like candies, even year round. That is dumb for sure and I can't claim that I've witnessed that myself.
Now we know better. I've never had luck with orals but again, I only tried dbol and it caused me anxiety. Also winny injections caused me joint pain so I will dumb if I entertain the idea of taking it as oral.
Anxiety from dbols? Weird I usually only get a little unwanted water weight about 5lbs and a little nice strength gain. My favorite way to use orals is with 15 week cycle first 5 dbols 5 weeks no oral then 5 weeks winni. I liked anadrol but they felt dirtier. I might move away from winni I'm getting joint pain easier now.
I've only ran dbol and winny separately and winny was harsher in my opinion on my liver joints everything lol it hurt. I've heard that var is less harsh then others too. I'm actually going to run var my next cycle so I'll know from experience in a few months. I ran the winny at 75 mg a day for 5 weeks and the dbol at 40 mg a day for 4 weeks. That might be why I think the winny was worse lol