I picked these up from AF this morning. Should be here tomorrow. Lucky for me I'm right down the road in Tallahassee from them.
Yohimburn ES
I also picked up Total EFA by Health from the Sun today. It is a blend of Flax, Fish and Borage oils with Omega-3, 6, 9.
My core strength is fantastic. At 18 I was more "cut up" and wrestled in highschool, but in reality I was weak. I had a bench of 135lbs max. I'm currently benching 205lbs max at 25. I'm much stronger and can lift much more weight. But I would like more tone, and need to loose this last little bit off my lower abs.
But I must have been eating really wrong, even though it was healthy. Because upping my daily intake from 1000 to even 1500 calories a day has just felt like I'm gorging myself.
I think I will also drop off this Muscletech Thermoshred. I lost 12lbs off it, and didn't see any loss in muscle size or strength. But it also has a diurectic in it, and I don't think I want to be on that with these other supplements.
I am really enjoying the boards though. You guys are definately an encouragement over the frustration that alot of this brings with all the good information.
5 weeks to go. Just gotta keep truckin'!