No, you're not fucked up...think that is pretty normal.
Seriously, most of you guys saying it doesn't matter must not be considering a long-term relationship or even wife material. If you're just talking about a short-term deal or a one-nighter, well sure, who gives a shit? But are you really going to date a girl for a couple of years or even marry her if she's been rodded by 10, 20, 30+ guys? Yeah, right...tell me that wouldn't bother you. If it doesn't, you're either a liar or one carefree SOB...or you've never been faced w/that situation so have no idea how you'd feel.
And ladies, if your man (again, we're talking long-term r'ships or marriage here) is honest (um, yeah) and tells you his real #, you're not going to be bothered if he says, 15, 25, 50+? Sorry, but unless you've got a shitload of ticks on your headboard, I can't imagine women wouldn't be bothered by the thought either.