"how much fat should be consumed a day if no carbs??? i'm really considering this very popular ketosis kraze. but wouldn't high fat intake contribute to cellulite????
you are still keeping sat fats to a minimum, though, right. (yeah, a searching i will go...) i like the 12 hr carb up idea every 10-12 days, as opposed to every weekend. i'm thinking. i'm thinking. maybe."
SWEETS, on a keto diet, most agree that you eat any kinds of fat, saturated, monounsaturated, poly...etc. Too many have the mindset (due to poor science and propaganda) that fat = fat. This may be true in the context of a moderate to high carb diet, but not in a low carb diet.
When carbs are reduced, the body alters its fuel consumption from glucose to fatty acids. Therefore, the majority of the fats that you ingest are also being burned as fuel as opposed to being stored as fat, as they would on a normal diet (normally fats have 97% efficiency of conversion to stored triglycerides). Along with the ingested fats, your body begins to liberate stored body fat, due to the fact that insulin levels are low now, and glucagon, cortisol, and norepinephrine are elevated.
So on a keto diet, one can eat lots of saturated fatty acids with out the worry of gaining fat...this does not mean that saturated fats are the prefered fats for health. I believe that the diet is much more healthy, and may even be more effective, if the saturated fats are kept to a minimum and monounsaturates and polyunsaturates are the predominate fats.