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I agree w/Mattdan.
Keto diets are hard for some people because they do not fully commit. Honestly for me it was always best when I was at almost ZERO carbs. Also people aren't honest with themselves about stuff like diet soda and whatnot, and will unwittingly fuck with their own ketosis. Diet soda and anything with citric acid is actually WORSE than a small amount of carbs. And BBQ sauce, depending on the type may have 1-3 grams of carbs which to be honest doesn't have much of an effect, I mean I use mayonnaise which has corn syrup, ketchup which has sugar, lots of things during ketosis that have almost no effect.
I dont know what it is about cheese, it has almost no carbs but something about it just seems to make ketosis harder, that being said I include a decent amount of cheese of the full fat variety.
and RED MEAT is THE BEST FOOD for ketosis. (eggs and bacon are probably the two second best, my breakfast everymorning is 4 sunny-side up eggs and 4 strips of bacon) Cheap 77/23 ground beef will never treat you wrong in ketosis. get your fill. I have spent a lot of time monitoring my levels and what effects various meals have on them. Best way to trick out your ketosis is to skip a meal, then eat a hamburger (no bun of course) in fact Hardee's (Carl's Jr.) low-carb burgers (it's a burger with everything but the bun) are perfect if you are out of the house. Basically you get your body calorie deprived, throw all these fats at it, it reacts by breaking them down and carries that on until you start to eat carbs again. I use this method to get in the deep purple (+160mg/dl) on the ketostix. Granted you should probably stay somewhere in the middle pink or light purple area.
And for people who aren't energetic in the gym, you can get over this, eat red meat before you work out, make sure you get some water and just push yourself. You'd be surprised. I've even broken PR's while in ketosis. It is downright effective if you know what you're doing.
Listen to your body, when you eat too much carbs or eat too fast acting of carbs in the wrong context you will know it because you will feel lethargic, then as you switch back you get a nauseous headache shit feeling that fades for me in about an hour. You will know when you are breaking ketosis and when you are reentering. The worst experience I ever had during ketosis was taking a fiber supp (metamucil) afterwords i read the label, it has citric acid, aspartame, and maltodextrin listed as ingredients, i thought I was going to pass out. once again Artificial sweeteners, citric acid, and the like are the absolute worst things you can put in your body during ketosis IMO. If you take fiber supps, make sure these aren't included, personally I never needed them, but took them as precaution only, I no longer do.
TKD's this is really true as you will break ketosis or at least severely reduce it when you drink your PWO carbs, then it can be rough as your body switches back, something you just get used to though, I do recommend TKD completely as it gives you plenty of power for heavy lifts (at least for your major lifts at the beginning of your workouts).
All of that being said, keto is not necessary, you can get ripped on any reduced calorie diet (esp. if you're using anabolic androgenic steroids, T3, and Clenbuterol
), but for me its about five hundred times more enjoyable and easier than any conventional diet that leaves you starving and fantasizing about your next meal, especially when raw unprocessed carbs are not the mainstream, but ground beef is plentiful. Plus you may find no need for any fat burning supps, thermogenics, eca - ephedrine - caffeine - aspirin - ephedrine - caffeine - aspirin or any of that crap which so many people end up resorting to when they could just do keto.
Eat foods that most calories come from fat and drink water. less than 20g carbs (as close to zero as you can get). No diet soda. Tea or coffee is fine (not the shit you buy in the store, i mean real tea like the brits drink and BLACK COFFEE.) but you might find you don't even need caffeine because of all the extra energy you have.
Sorry that was long. It's this damn ketosis gives me all this focus and energy!
ps. keto diets have been shown to improve blood lipid profiles when healthy fats are consumed, have been used by the medical community for years to control epilepsy symptoms (often having a permanent curative effect) and are being studied currently for their anti-depressant effects.
Keto diets are hard for some people because they do not fully commit. Honestly for me it was always best when I was at almost ZERO carbs. Also people aren't honest with themselves about stuff like diet soda and whatnot, and will unwittingly fuck with their own ketosis. Diet soda and anything with citric acid is actually WORSE than a small amount of carbs. And BBQ sauce, depending on the type may have 1-3 grams of carbs which to be honest doesn't have much of an effect, I mean I use mayonnaise which has corn syrup, ketchup which has sugar, lots of things during ketosis that have almost no effect.
I dont know what it is about cheese, it has almost no carbs but something about it just seems to make ketosis harder, that being said I include a decent amount of cheese of the full fat variety.
and RED MEAT is THE BEST FOOD for ketosis. (eggs and bacon are probably the two second best, my breakfast everymorning is 4 sunny-side up eggs and 4 strips of bacon) Cheap 77/23 ground beef will never treat you wrong in ketosis. get your fill. I have spent a lot of time monitoring my levels and what effects various meals have on them. Best way to trick out your ketosis is to skip a meal, then eat a hamburger (no bun of course) in fact Hardee's (Carl's Jr.) low-carb burgers (it's a burger with everything but the bun) are perfect if you are out of the house. Basically you get your body calorie deprived, throw all these fats at it, it reacts by breaking them down and carries that on until you start to eat carbs again. I use this method to get in the deep purple (+160mg/dl) on the ketostix. Granted you should probably stay somewhere in the middle pink or light purple area.
And for people who aren't energetic in the gym, you can get over this, eat red meat before you work out, make sure you get some water and just push yourself. You'd be surprised. I've even broken PR's while in ketosis. It is downright effective if you know what you're doing.
Listen to your body, when you eat too much carbs or eat too fast acting of carbs in the wrong context you will know it because you will feel lethargic, then as you switch back you get a nauseous headache shit feeling that fades for me in about an hour. You will know when you are breaking ketosis and when you are reentering. The worst experience I ever had during ketosis was taking a fiber supp (metamucil) afterwords i read the label, it has citric acid, aspartame, and maltodextrin listed as ingredients, i thought I was going to pass out. once again Artificial sweeteners, citric acid, and the like are the absolute worst things you can put in your body during ketosis IMO. If you take fiber supps, make sure these aren't included, personally I never needed them, but took them as precaution only, I no longer do.
TKD's this is really true as you will break ketosis or at least severely reduce it when you drink your PWO carbs, then it can be rough as your body switches back, something you just get used to though, I do recommend TKD completely as it gives you plenty of power for heavy lifts (at least for your major lifts at the beginning of your workouts).
All of that being said, keto is not necessary, you can get ripped on any reduced calorie diet (esp. if you're using anabolic androgenic steroids, T3, and Clenbuterol

Eat foods that most calories come from fat and drink water. less than 20g carbs (as close to zero as you can get). No diet soda. Tea or coffee is fine (not the shit you buy in the store, i mean real tea like the brits drink and BLACK COFFEE.) but you might find you don't even need caffeine because of all the extra energy you have.
Sorry that was long. It's this damn ketosis gives me all this focus and energy!
ps. keto diets have been shown to improve blood lipid profiles when healthy fats are consumed, have been used by the medical community for years to control epilepsy symptoms (often having a permanent curative effect) and are being studied currently for their anti-depressant effects.
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