Live Large ... Sorry about the school thing , thought that was in Waltham ... Cycles under my belt? You mean the legs or juice ?... I do train legs hard , just dont have any photos . And if you mean gear ... Yes , I have tried a few , I am just coming back now off of a rotator cuff tear , had to get the shoulder scoped , 2nd time in 2 years , that makes both sides I have had done . So , I am not the strongest in the upper body right now and am working hard to get the strength back.... 1st cycle was in Jan , I had a truck load of sten , works great , but you become a human pin cushin poaking every other day ... Started Test Cyp , Andriol and Norandron last month ... Not the greatest combo I know , but I dont have the greatest source and that is all I could hook up with . Andriol doesnt do much but give a good test rush before a work out.Test Cyp works great , but I am not sold on the Norandron though ... Best reasults I have ever had was with a full Sustanon cycle , gained about 15lbs solid and great strength gains .Hard to get though ... As far as stats go , I know this will sound like bull , but I have never measured ... I weigh in at 200 lbs , I am 5'11 and I have a 31 waist , am really shredded though I am not trying to be , just naturally lean and am one of those guys that can eat anything and not gain weight ... The source got in touch the other day and let me in on some dura so I am going to throw that in as well ... Really need to hook up with some clomid though... How about you ? You doing anything?