Enter "interval training" into yahoo and check out the various material. Your guess as to what intervals are was a little off the mark.
In my research, for optimal fat loss and maintenance of muscle high intensity periods of 20 to 40 seconds appear to give optimal results. One caveat, your heart rate must return back to 60% of max for intervals to be effective.
Max heart rate is equal to 220 minus your age.
I walk briskly on the treadmill at about 5.4 k/hour and sprint at about 15.5k/hour. What ever gets your heart from 60% to 85-90% within the 20 to 40 second "interval."
Wouldn´t recommend doing this any longer than 20 minutes at a go (at first) and always a day´s rest between sessions.(trust me) Its very strenuous and as such, quite effective.(for me anyhow)
Anyone else on this subject?