2/17 Diet, work out, and supps.
1st meal 6am pre work out
5-egg omelet w/spinach and brocolli
1-serv. steel cut oats with honey and blueberries
+ morning supps
2nd meal 10am post WO
1-4oz Tilapia Fillet lightly seasoned and cooked in 1 1/2 tbls evoo
1-8oz Grnd Turkey
1/2 cup brown rice
Mixed steamed Veggies (brocolli, spinach, and carrots)
1-medium apple
3rd meal 1pm
1-6oz skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup brn rice
1-mixed steamed green veggies
1oz raw almonds
4th meal 430pm
1-6oz skinless chicken breast
1-Brn rice
1-mixed steam veggies
1oz raw almonds
5th meal 8pm
2-cans tuna with spinach salad
1/2 tbs evoo
1 tbs. natty PB
short warm up then 5x5x95lbs.
these are what I hurt my back doing so I was a little gun shy when I did them but they felt great hit all sets no problem
upright rows wide grip 3x8x40,50,60lbs.
power shrugs 3x6x225,275,305lbs.
I love these I think they are great for hitting upper traps
40min cardio 130 HR
2-multi vitamins
9mg albut 3mg 3 times
60mcg T3 30mcg 2 times 15mcg 1 time
5g Power chews BCAA's post WO
6000mg fish oil
3g Taurine
1 tbs. pure gelatin
7 N2Gaurd 4am 3pm