Thanks for all your support guys it is really helping me out in a lot a ways. You guys rock!
2/14 Diet, work out, and supps.
1st meal 6am pre work out
5-egg omelet w/spinach and brocolli
1-serv. steel cut oats with honey and blueberries
+ morning supps
2nd meal 10am post WO
1-4oz Tilapia Fillet lightly seasoned and cooked in 1 1/2 tbls evoo
1-8oz Grnd Turkey
1/2 cup brown rice
Mixed steamed Veggies (brocolli, spinach, and carrots)
1-medium apple
3rd meal 1pm
1-6oz skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup brn rice
1-mixed steamed green veggies
1oz raw almonds
4th meal 430pm
1-6oz skinless chicken breast
1-Brn rice
1-mixed steam veggies
1oz raw almonds
5th meal 8pm
2-cans tuna with spinach salad
1/2 tbs evoo
1 tbs. natty PB
I have been right on top of the diet. Being as motivated as I have been it hasn't really been that hard so far lol
Worked back today felt pretty good and strong. I can definitely tell the test is kickin can't wait to start the Tren
Deads 3x5 at 225lbs work
Pendlay rows underhand grip 5x5 at 135lbs work
WG lat pulldowns 4x8 at 145lbs
Under Hand close grip pulldowns 3x8 at 155lbs
BBL curls 3x8 at 95lbs
DBL curls 3x8 at 35lbs
40min cardio 130 HR
2-multi vitamins
9mg albut 3mg 3 times
60mcg T3 30mcg 1 time 15mcg 2 times
5g Power chews bcaa's post WO
power chews pre WO
6000mg fish oil
3g Taurine
1 tbs. pure gelatin
7 N2Gaurd 4am 3pm