Sunday Feb. 20
9:00 am
2 mugs coffee, 4 tblsp CoffeeMate
10:00 am
1 Turkey Patty, 1 spoonful of peppers/onions, 1 egg yolk, 4 egg whites
Cleaned the bedroom -- took apart all the furniture, scrubbed the baseboards & the windows, washed all the bedding, etc....
1 WW roll, 3 5/8 oz steak, "Yummy Sauce"
2 Michelob Ultras
1/2 oz peanuts
~ 7:30pm
4.5oz chicken breast baked with 2 slices prosciutto & 1 slice FF cheese
~ 12 spears asparagus; sauteed onions & garlic in a little olive oil
1 Diet Black Cherry Soda
1 Homemade PB Protein Bar