Monday, February 7
2 mugs coffee, 2 tblsp FF 1/2 & 1/2 + 2 tblsp FF Fr. Vanilla Creamer
M1 10:00 am
1 egg yolk, 4 whites, 1 turkey patty, couple spoonfuls of veggies to throw in my omelette, Tad bit of olive oil to coat the pan.....1 tsp maybe??
M2 1:00 pm
1/2 cup skim milk, 1 scoop Protein Powder
1:15pm walk to gym, ~ 30 mins
Legs & Calves
Squats -- (weight listed is in addition to the bar)
10@20, 10@30, 12@50, 2x8@70 (ATF on all)
DB Lunges -- 3x10@20 (20lb DB in each hand)
Leg Press -- 12@180, 2x8@230, 10@200
Seated Calf Raise (on Leg Press) -- 2x12@180, 2x12@230
Leg Extension -- 10@70, 10@70, 10@70/10@50**
** Drop Set
Calf Raise Machine (seated) -- 4x12@120
Walk home ~ 30 mins
~ 3:15pm (at restaurant)
SW Grilled Chicken Salad, 1 slice mushroom pizza (no crust)
4:30 pm -- Diet Pepsi