LOL! I know that's right! Hey! Remember the weird guy at my gym that I was telling you all about earlier? Well yesterday he really started creeping me out. Not only was he following me everywhere in the gym, but when I went to the free weights to do my sets of curls, he was standing in the backround pacing back and fourth. I finished my sets and walked into the ladies locker room and my 2 friends Amy & Janelle followed me inthere and told me that they saw what was going on with this wack job and told me that they'd have my back if this creep gets fresh or weird with me. Well, The whole time that we were talking in the ladies restroom/lockerroom, he was standing right outside in front of the door. He left soon after and I was able to walk out of the locker room. Now I'll have to play it safe there plus, a few other women(why is it always the women?) there also noticed how he's been acting for the past few weeks but yesterday was the worst and I may have to end up telling the owner just to make him aware. I just hope that this isn't going to make me the laughing stock of the gym because I sure as hell don't think this is funny and like I said before, I made it a point to let this guy know I was married from the very beginning. Oh! It also turns out that I resemble a woman that he dated a long time ago. A worker at the gym told me. Oh great!