Like someone said your diet and timing should be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT if you wanna gain muscle without fat. in fact you should walk around 24/7 with a bagback filled with tubes of carbohydrates / insuline / amino/acids that will be released IV by a computer that measures your bloodlevels every 5 minutes and automatically adjusts your bloodbalance to favourable anabolic levels or releases some anti-cortisol agents on demand or some extra adrenaline if you are going for a heavy squat....
In fact I have the feeling that this cyborg approach WILL actualy happen by top ranking pro's in the near future. Bodybuilders are willing to try ANY trick to get that small edge against the competition, even it is potentially dangerous (DNP etc.)
Meanwhile for the rest of us, we better stick to common sense and use the frequent small meals scenario to take care that we avoid spikes in our blood so that we can bulk with a favourable muscle to fat ratio. Also the reason that you need that a few pounds of intramuscular fat is that it plays a role in the regeneration of ATP using the creatinephospate cycle etc. Also eating fats (especially the healthy fish oils) will promote the release of hormones by your body.
Sure in theory it is ppossible to saturate your body to exact demand but many people that try that will fail. In practise only bb that have been training for a very long time , like Robbie Robinson (he is NEVER more than 2 weeks away from contest time!!!) learned exactly the needs of their body and also he has the basic size and muscle maturity, so he doens't have to go thru a basic bulking and cutting phase.....
Hope that this encourages you to don't shy away from bulking just focus during this phase on the basic squats and deadlifts to assure that a great deal of that lump clay is muscle that you can refine and shape during the cutting phase adding more isolation exercises and cardio
And BTW: the proes bulk up to ridiculous fat percentages, hoovering around at 300 lbs with 30 percent fat sometimes, but than again they have special chemical assistense like lasix, DNP and T3, clenny etc to get rid of that lard, you should definately not copy their bulking scenario without those goodies/knowledge