New member
I'd like to introduce myself now, while i'm just getting started with this website, before I have a question and forget to.
- your stats: weight, height, bodyfat% 137 lbs, 5'5" and 1/2, not sure..
- your goals -- what are you trying to accomplish? (A) To pass the Navy Seals fitness test by the end of my Senior year (I am a Junior in high school), which requires me to do 6 or less pull-ups depending on if they lower the number for girls. (B) To be stronger, which should help my sports performance (C) To be leaner and lighter, to make my body appear nicer and more fit, and to be a lighter cross-country runner.
- your current training & cardio schedule Morning-stretch for 5-10 minutes. After school: sport (cross country, swimming, or track, seasonally)
After dinner: ~2 days/week lift and/or do more cardio at the gym. Weekend: I usually lift again on Saturdays
- your current meal plan, including with each meal, portions, what you are eating and when you eat. I eat a very nutritive breakfast every single morning. Usually a combo of 2 or 3 of the following, but one from each group: [main] Oatmeal, cereal, [side] egg beaters, whole-weat bread, [fruit]apple, banna, grape, orange. For lunch at school I occasionally choose the unhealthy thing such as school pizza or tacos. Usually I go through the salad line and pick either a grilled-chicken salad or a pasta salad (I dont eat very much of the pepperoni, because i hear it is high in saturated fat--no clue what kind my school uses but i'm sure its not very good). My dinners are sometimes cooked in butter, but lately my mom has stopped this habit. They are on the way to becoming healthy, as i'm preety much taking charge of my family's eating habits Well, as much as I can :-/
- any salient medical concerns Of course not !
See ya guys around!
- your stats: weight, height, bodyfat% 137 lbs, 5'5" and 1/2, not sure..
- your goals -- what are you trying to accomplish? (A) To pass the Navy Seals fitness test by the end of my Senior year (I am a Junior in high school), which requires me to do 6 or less pull-ups depending on if they lower the number for girls. (B) To be stronger, which should help my sports performance (C) To be leaner and lighter, to make my body appear nicer and more fit, and to be a lighter cross-country runner.
- your current training & cardio schedule Morning-stretch for 5-10 minutes. After school: sport (cross country, swimming, or track, seasonally)
After dinner: ~2 days/week lift and/or do more cardio at the gym. Weekend: I usually lift again on Saturdays
- your current meal plan, including with each meal, portions, what you are eating and when you eat. I eat a very nutritive breakfast every single morning. Usually a combo of 2 or 3 of the following, but one from each group: [main] Oatmeal, cereal, [side] egg beaters, whole-weat bread, [fruit]apple, banna, grape, orange. For lunch at school I occasionally choose the unhealthy thing such as school pizza or tacos. Usually I go through the salad line and pick either a grilled-chicken salad or a pasta salad (I dont eat very much of the pepperoni, because i hear it is high in saturated fat--no clue what kind my school uses but i'm sure its not very good). My dinners are sometimes cooked in butter, but lately my mom has stopped this habit. They are on the way to becoming healthy, as i'm preety much taking charge of my family's eating habits Well, as much as I can :-/
- any salient medical concerns Of course not !
See ya guys around!