When you say "refeeds" is this independent of raising your carb and calorie intake on training days?
I generally take a "diet break" every 4-6 weeks when my fat loss stalls, for about 10-14 days (ala Lyle McDonald). However, even with this I have not been able to get any lower than about 8% bodyfat. Recently my strength dropped by about 20%, so I think it's time to bulk again before I shrink into nothing.
Always appreciate your input RickRock13.
No, basically my workout days are the refeeds as of right now. I've been at around 400g carbs on those days with all my other days being at 150-200g.
In your case, it sounds like you have experienced a little bit of metabolic damage if it isn't hormone or thyroid related. 10-14 days and refeeds isn't enough for you if that's the case.
You would have to raise your metabolic capacity up to a good range before seeing good fat loss again. The ideal way to do that is to slowly add in calories (mostly carbs) each week for several weeks if its minimally damaged or it could take as long as 3-4 months or more depending on how damaged your metabolism is.
So, you are right about needing to go into a surplus, but the best way to do that is slow increases for damage control reasons
For more info on metabolic damage, check out some of Layne Norton's biolayne YouTube videos on the subject. He has a lot of great info on it.