IF is very versatile and can be changed and adapted for personal preference in many ways without sacrificing results. You just have to give it enough time and play around with it a bit to see what works best for you.
In response to your questions:
1) I do all of my cardio fasted, and I don't think it makes me any hungrier at all. After fasting for a week or two your body will really adapt to your eating patterns and you will not get hungry much until a short time before breaking fast. Stimulants work wonders during the fast for appetite suppression also.
2) weight training can be fasted or not. Doesn't really matter. Any thought that your performance will be sacrificed by training fasted is purely psychological and there is plenty of science to support it.
If you do resistance training fasted, just make sure to consume BCAAs before and after training for protein synthesis.
3) everything that works off cycle, works on cycle....just better
So no, I don't change anything when going on cycle. I may do a slight shift of my caloric intake higher (maybe 500 cals per day more) at the beginning of the cycle due to the increased androgens and nutrient partitioning but I don't change my training or diet structure at all. I still eat and train for my goal on cycle and off pretty much the same