I've been following IF and doing an RPT style training since May 21st.. Is a deload week necessary? I've gone up from 270lbx6 deadlift to 305lbx6 deadlift, 185lb x 6 bench to 212.5lb x 6, and 285lb x 6 squat to 315lb x 6 squats... I lost 6 lbs during this time and weigh 172lbs, I'm 6'2 and it looks like im in single digits BF%....
I feel like I can keep going up in weights, but I'm interested in finding out if I should have a deload week and then continue up after or keep going how I am going for a few more weeks before I deload..
Also, I do not count my calories (I know I should) but as I stated earlier I have lost 6 pounds... I would like to get into the 180-185 range but stay at 10 or below % body fat... Any suggestions? I'm pretty much stuffing my face at every meal haha.. I'm just pretty lanky.. I am an ectomorph (as you can see haha), so what should I do to put on that weight of LEAN muscle and remain at a lower BF
First of all, nice progress! You are definitely in single digits, and judging just by the picture I would say you are somewhere between 8-9%.
As for trying to add mass, I would go with a bigger surplus on days that you workout. I know that you say you don't count cals, but you may have to at least make sure you are in the ballpark to add the weight. Adding in about 500 calories to your lifting days is a good start, and if you aren't gaining quickly enough you can add more....if you are gaining fat too quickly you can cut back to 300 or so. Adjustment is the key. Watch where you are every 2 weeks and go from there.
As long as you are making continued progression in the gym, and your body feels great....there is no need for a deload just yet. When you stall on making progress, or your body feels run down would be when a deload or time off would be beneficial to you.
Good luck to you bud