well personally i would avoid all powerlifter movements for a while... let's face it if some guy comes in and says i wanna look like an abercrombie model rather than look like you then i am not gonna train him like me.
I would start out the first month having them do 10 minutes of warm up on cardio (whichever they prefer) then i would take them immediately into a circuit type of deal with very little rest to keep their heart rate up a bit.
after the first month gage their progress and see how comfy they are moving into more and more free weights... some people are goingto get into it hardcore like most of us here are and some will only want to do as minimal as possible.
also i would sit down and plan out their goals in detail and try and educate them on diet and such for the goals that they want being sure to explain it in words they could understand and explain the difference between complex and simple carbs and the way the work in the body and why protein i important and such.
I would start out the first month having them do 10 minutes of warm up on cardio (whichever they prefer) then i would take them immediately into a circuit type of deal with very little rest to keep their heart rate up a bit.
after the first month gage their progress and see how comfy they are moving into more and more free weights... some people are goingto get into it hardcore like most of us here are and some will only want to do as minimal as possible.
also i would sit down and plan out their goals in detail and try and educate them on diet and such for the goals that they want being sure to explain it in words they could understand and explain the difference between complex and simple carbs and the way the work in the body and why protein i important and such.