Bikini Mod
New member
Caleb's Tree said:You are confused and rightly so, because you are overmatched in this debate. They are two seperate arguments which you are confusing with each other. One argument addressed contractual marriage, and marrying an equal. The equal has to either be equal in wealth for a contractual marriage or equal in virtue for a marriage borne of love. The argument about contractual marriage was to either A: marry an equal, or B: contractually ensure that greed isn't the primary motivating factor in the marriage and sign a prenup.
I think you have a personal problem with this. Did someone pass you over for a mail order bride at one time? Or are you just a fanatical women's liber, who can't possibly understand that some women are perfectly happy raising a family, and caring for a home and their man. You seem to have a great deal of pent up hostility against this phenomena. I'd like to know why.
You really don't know what you are talking about either, and most of your claims are bogus. You are all opinion, and you don't back any of your claims up with any facts. If you want to be intellectually dishonest to attempt to win a debate go ahead, but don't be shocked when you are called on it.
Why don't you EVER hear these guys talking about Japanese, German, Australian, French, Spanish mail order brides. Why?
Anyways, if you did 30 seconds of research to back up any of your foolish claims you wouldn't have made them. I hope your books aren't this poorly researched. There are mail order brides for every nationality and just about any country you'd want.
The reason some men choose to go the mail order bride route isn't because they are defective, they see American women and their bitchy, domineering attitudes as defective, and they want someone raised up in a culture that still practices respect and honor, in a culture that still values home life as the most important contribution to a society.
You talk to a Russian woman for instance, and they'll tell you how they love children, gardening, cooking and taking care of a house, and loving her man.
An American woman, talks about clothes, jewelry, credit cards, expensive toys, and sports cars, and leaving her man when she is bored with him, or he falls on hard times.
It's nothing more than a lifestyle choice, and for these men that choose mail order brides, they are choosing to try to find someone that isn't tainted by American Greed, Arrogance, Selfishness, and a LACK OF VIRTUE.
You readily admit Americans, women and men have this flaw, yet chastise men for recognizing this, and choosing to look elsewhere to avoid this problem.
Of course, that somehow is offensive to you. Maybe its because you value clothes, jewelry, credit cards, expensive toys, and sports cars more than you do raising a family and keeping a good happy home.
I skimmed over your post because it is so utterly ridiculous.
I value credit cards and jewelry? Goes to show how much you know. You chose a spouse based on the fact that marrying her was a financially lateral move (YOU SAID THAT... NOT ME).
I married a man with NO MONEY and NO ASSETS. But I have never hid the fact that if I didn't believe he was a man of the kind of caliber who could recover would I have given him the time of day?
FUCK NO... And neither would he expect me to. As I would never have expected him to pursue and marry me if I was not also an exceptional female in every respect of the word.
I was raised as an Eastern European so I know everything there is to know about traditional family values, how to raise children, make sure that whatever money my man brings home is *enough* and how to cook, clean, not only sew, but embroider, how to paint easter eggs, sing and dance traditional folk songs and dance. I am completely bi-lingual and know how to *get on* in two other languages, AND in addition to all this, more money has passed through MY company bank account this month alone than most American men make all year.

Oh yea... I am SUH-MOKIN hot.

So sorry - gloves are off - you have NO CLUE who you are talking to.
Fact is MOST American men are seen by women who are in dire economic straits in their countries as a GREEN CARD and CASH... as MOST AMERICANS period are looked down upon by the rest of the planet as they are ego-centric and think that the United States is not *the best* country... but THE ONLY COUNTRY. I did not say ALL... I said MOST.
I've not confused a damned thing, but clearly you have confused much being the typical tunnel visioned American that you seem to be.
Good for you to think that YOUR assets are safe because you made a lateral economic move marrying a woman with like assets. I hope you have a long and happy marriage. (no sarcasm)....
American men are funny creatures as they think they are so sought after by women from the rest of the world because the US is so great.
Websites? LOL Interesting, when the men here quoted where THE BEST mail order brides were from, they did not state Japan, Germany, Spain, France, Australia. Why do YOU think that is?
You were correct, I suppose that they do exist. You get brownie points for your google search. Interesting though the majority of the sites stated that the brides were from one place but then you see ads for women from China, Phillipines, South America... There are exceptions to every rule but you really look silly when posting those links as if they support some sort of legitimate arguement.
I wonder why no one else has heard of them?
Bully for you for finding them.
As for my books... research? Ummmm combined research of my husband and I having dating internationally for bout 10 years (at least between us), Radio show intervies as well as in person interviews and a WHOLE LOT of common sense... not that hard.
I don't feel the need to justify my marriage. Why do you feel the need to justify yours?
I know exactly why my husband married me and he knows why I married him. Money and sex were important (no shit) but they were far from the deciding factor - as he HAD ZERO money and I am sick often.
Fact is if you think you have personally found the key to success for ANYONE to find the dating situation they seek via the web... go for it. Write a book of your own.
In my book I've not downed people of either gender, religion, race, color, ethnicity, culture, age or socio-economic background. But discuss very real, easy to understand methods for people to use the web to find one another and make the most of whatever situation it is that they are seeking by being HONEST... WITH THEMSELVES AND ONE ANOTHER.
The women here before me have already indicated that the thread's author is a bobo... For you to even attempt to defend his point of view is, well, SILLY. But please do go on if it makes you feel better.
Good thing you let all the rest of the men know how they can protect THEIR ASSETS... while pretending they don't believe that is ALL they have to offer those gold-digging whore American whales... LMFAO
I still find it hilarious that it is perfectly OK for a man to state that he refuses to marry a WHALE but it is somehow a terrible indicator of some egregious character flaw for a woman to openly state she refuses to give her time to a man of caliber that is unacceptable to HER ie He isn't smart and strong enough to provide the lifestyle in which she wants to live.
Note - if she can attain that for herself (as more and more women are doing around the world) then WTF does she NEED or want a man? Hell, as long as she has batteries men are more of a hindrance then they are spmething that is to be desired.... no?
Japan has been experiencing ZERO population growth for many years. I will give you 3 guesses why that is and the first 2 don't count.... for so many women to CHOOSE to forego their strongest biological urge something MUST BE pretty freaking awfull.... but those same women will raise a family for an American man?
You must be high.
Did the men here honestly think that women from all OVER the world would read this thread and NOT take offense to being reduced to chattle?

Goodness... some men must be more limited than others.
If you don't want women to treat you like a wallet, then for heaven's sake... STOP ACTING LIKE ONE.
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