Caleb's Tree
New member
BIKINIMOM said:I hear what you are saying however, I have a very different point of view.
Eros - is a sexual love. That is not *true love*.
This is based on hormones, our biological need to reproduce and not much more.
Philos - is a non-sexual love. Love between parent/child, siblings, friends. This has nothing to do with hormones or reproduction but isn't the same feeling/drive that brings together life parners.
Agape - is the highest form of love. It is the love of all mankind. Think Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr, etc.
Since a couple is initially drawn to one another because of sex they don't commit because of love, they commit because of sex. Love is what happens along the way.
In my humble opinion: LIKE, RESPECT and COMMON LIFE GOALS are what couples should base their decision about who it is they should consider when choosing a life mate.
Men by virtue of their biology are very visual creatures. They are initially and very strongly attracted to a woman's beauty (whatever that definition of beauty might be).
Women by virtue of their biology are attracted to security. Even though initially brawn might stimulate their eyes because we no longer live in the bush LOL a SMART woman will pass over muscles for very large brains every single time.
But that is only what attracts the sexes initially it is NOT what keeps them paired.
How will a woman know if a man values her for more than her *look* and how will a man know if a woman values him for more than his *portfolio*? I believe that when one removes BOTH from the equation, they will be free to make better choices.
There is a bit more to it, all outlined in my book but that is the gist of it.
*TRUE LOVE* is not why couples marry. How can they when they haven't been through life together?
LOVE is what they find during their journey in life together. It isn't what brings them together.
I didn't know you were wiser than Aerostotle.

You are describing friendships of pleasure and friendships of utility. These are incomplete and flawed relationships, if that is the prime motivating factor for hooking up with someone. If, as you say a woman is attracted to a man's portfolio, then that indeed makes them very shallow, and as such, then most men knowing that a woman is looking for financial security as her primary drive (per your comments) to developing and maintaining relationships, should take steps to protect himself against the transferance of his hard earned wealth to that woman which seeks to get her greedy hands on it. Any man who is cognisant of this should by default take action which would protect himself from such wealth seeking individuals.
Likewise any man that enters into a relationship initially based on pleasure....."she is pleasing to the eyes" or sexual attraction is equally shallow. Attraction and Security are nothing more than different words for "utility" and "pleasure"
True Love also isn't defined by shared experiences. True Love is defined by virtue, and only two people with good virtue can experience True Love. One must be virtuous before they encounter "True Love" for without virtue, "True Love" cannot exist, nor can it be formed. Oh, pehaps weak facsimiles of it, counterfits, but counterfits fade, and facsimiles are just weak imitations of True Love.
This is what you are missing entirely. True Love is selfless, and only people with virtue can be selfless. Agape also is not purely love of mankind. Agape is selfless love. Altruistic Love. Agape Love can be directed towards individuals as well as groups of people. True Love is giving without expecting anything in return, but in order for that love to be reciprocated, one must have a mate, that is equally virtuous and selfless.
Agape Love.....and True Love based in Virtue, are pretty much synonomous with each other.
No greater Love hath a man than to lay down his life for his brother.
Love your wife as Christ Loved the church, and willingly laid his life down for her.
This is the essence of True Love. True Love springs first from one's virtue. It is a state of being. True Love (romantically) occurs when one person of virtue, has a relationship with another person of virtue.
In today's society, there are very few virtuous people, so seldom is any marriage or relationship based in "True Love" They are contractual agreements, that two parties agree to, because they see benefit in such a relationship. Because of this, one should protect one's assets, as Love based on Utility, or Pleasure, never lasts.
Pay attention might learn something about love....and your next book, could end up being a best seller. Make sure to give me credit.