Hey jon crane not one person i know wears a triple denim. And if your reffering to me and how i cut my squat suit. Scoll down more and you;ll see my 700 with no suit which was easy as hell.
If this nude contest was to take place would you win? Is your raw lfits that much? Or is it you cant figure out what gear to buy?
They do have raw organizations. Thats why i like what Keiran Kidder is doing with the WPO so people who wanna test what they got against the best can go do it. My squat suit is single ply poly, i dont bitch or care about 2x canvas. I knwo my squat would go up with one but if get out squatted at this meet coming up by a canvas wearer iam not gonna say "well he has canvas and i have poly". I only replied this way cause iam the only one on this board who posted about altering my squat suit. Dont liek gear? Go lift raw. Period.
Here is my organiztion i like. Gear no problem, juice no problem, quick or long pauses i couldnt care less. Lift it , win it, or go home in last, but either way i will NEVER bitch about someones gear or drug use. Why? Cause i and YOU have access to all of it as well. YOu choose not to do either, lift somehwere else! It is so simple.
But your nude idea is funny though! I just think you were reffering to me in your post above. So no offense but you got my 2 cents.