I love preacher curls and I'm a huge fan of super sets I really do work my biceps a lot...and they have peaked up quite a bit in the last 3 months. But I want them higher...help me
I love preacher curls and I'm a huge fan of super sets I really do work my biceps a lot...and they have peaked up quite a bit in the last 3 months. But I want them higher...help me
Man my biceps are peaked pretty good in the middle and I have no idea how they got that way. They've been like that since I was 15. I can't seem to get them to grow full horizontally if that makes since.
Somebody like steve will jump in here and correct me maybe, but i think its fairly genetic. Mine are big round rocks but a buddy of mine has decent peaks. From the tricep side his bi's look bigger than me but i'm a hell of a lot stronger than him on all bicep and back exercises. I'd say try googling or youtubing... "training biceps for peaks".
Preacher curls spider curls and concentration curls all these for peak, but do them after your mass exercises ie: bb curls, alternating db curls,
I have to agree that genetics play the biggest role in how your bicep peaks,
It's pretty much all genetics, sorry to say. Mine are like softballs, but hey, the bigger you get your arms the bigger the "peak" you'll have. Just focus on gaining mass. As far as exercises, preacher curls are the best you're gonna get imo.